Thursday, August 29, 2013

Workshop: Top 3 of 24

These are three of my favorite pictures that I took over the summer.
This one was taken at a construction site off the side of the highway.
(iPhone camera)
I like the composition of this one and all the symmetry that's going on here.
(Nikon D5200 DSLR)

I was impressed by the lighting in this one, and all the different lines that make up this photograph.
(Nikon D5200 DSLR)

Fall '13
Photo Workshop


Forgot to add this to the Family series from Digital, but this one's in color so it doesn't fit anyway. But it's still adorableeeeee.

Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

This is a church?

Aaahhhhh finally got a DSLR for my birthday! So, I started taking photos for Restoration Church in Dover, NH. The ones here are from the past two Sundays.
Friendly people, free breakfast, great band?
This is way better than the churches my parents used to drag me to.

Summer '13
Nikon D5200 DSLR

Digital Final: Family

For this project, I wanted to photograph my family. I've always been a fan of capturing what happens on a day-to-day basis in families rather than the typical photo shoots that gets their faces on Christmas cards (which are completely useless, by the way). So I followed my family around until they became used to having a camera around them and started acting like themselves.

Also, for anyone who is wondering where all these kids came from and why I'm putting them in my "Family" project is because I was in foster care, so everything gets messy. Some people you see are biological children of the people who fostered me, some are other foster children, and some are cousins, in-laws-- you name it. Oh, and that little girl with black hair and somewhat looks like me? That's my sister. Okay so here it goes:



Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510

Digital: Scanner

Negative scans are awesome. It takes away the fun of enlarging prints in the darkroom, but it definitely saves you a lot of time. Here are two pictures I took from the previous semester, but never got to print them out.

Spring '13
Canon EOS Rebel G SLR
35mm 400TX B/W film
Negative Scan

Digital: Composites

Composites! I really enjoyed these. Fort Stark is a classic spot for photographers. If you can get to them, there are some sweet spots that are pretty breathtaking. As long as you don't get caught by the authorities.


Black and white or color? 

This one is still my favorite even though it doesn't fit with this series (you're welcome, mom):

Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510

Digital: Time in Motion

This project was really hard before I got going on it. I think I spent too much time coming up with ideas before realizing that motion was all around me. The tricky part was finding a way to convey it.

Presenting the Charlie ghost series:

Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510

Digital: Flash Photography

Here is a Haiku I wrote about flash photography:

Flash photography
It is not my friend, you see
It's of the devil

Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510

Digital: Black on Black / White on White

Warning: probably the worst pictures you will ever see. Really wish I had a DSLR that semester (or any photoshop skills, for that matter)...


Spring '13
Intro Digital
Nikon Coolpix P510
(aka point-and-shoot that wants to be an SLR)